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Neck Pain Treatment Options for Bad Posture

Written By Gulf Coast Injury Center on July 29, 2020

rsz neckpainWhether you sit in an office chair all day or lounge on a couch, bad posture affects Americans of all ages. In fact, the average office worker sits for 15 hours per day, and sedentary jobs have increased by 83% since 1950. 

What does this mean? Modern society is designed for sitting.

With more people sitting, neck pain and stress are common among those that visit a chiropractor. A chiropractor will build a natural neck pain treatment plan based on your lifestyle and help guide you towards improving your posture. 

How Bad Posture Causes Neck Pain

With your head weighing approximately 12 lbs., excessive bending causes immense pressure and strain on your neck joints, tissues, muscles, and spinal disks. Proper neck posture includes holding your head forward above your shoulders. However, when your head is held in a downward or forward angle, you risk:

  • Increased stress on the cervical spine
  • Hyperflexion and hyperextension
  • Overworked muscles
  • Rounded upper back

Improving your posture includes using ergonomic furniture, standing more often, and maintaining a proper diet and exercise routine.

Neck Pain Treatment Options with Chiropractic

While establishing proper posture is half the battle, a proper neck pain treatment plan includes locating the source of your pain. Your chiropractor will perform a medical history and physical examination to understand your neck pain and diagnose a solution that improves your quality of life. Depending on your level of pain, your doctor may recommend a cervical manipulation.

Cervical Manipulation

A cervical manipulation, or neck adjustment, is a procedure that includes targeted and precise force applied to your neck. The process will improve your range of motion and mobility, along with decreasing your pain, stiffness, and soreness. Typically, patients also notice an improved ability to turn and tilt the head.

Along with cervical manipulation, your chiropractor may recommend massage, physical rehabilitation, and additional mobilization techniques as part of your neck pain treatment plan.

Chiropractic Neck Pain Treatment in Florida

Are you ending your day with a stiff or sore neck from bad posture? The doctors at Gulf Coast Injury Center will not only relieve your neck pain with non-invasive chiropractic treatment, but they will also educate you on proper posture to improve your overall wellbeing.

End your neck pain by scheduling an appointment with Gulf Coast Injury Center in Tampa, Trinity, or Brandon.

Posted In: Neck Pain Chiropractic Natural Pain Relief